Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Genesis: The Garden

The First 5 Books of the Bible are often referred to as the "Books of Moses". He received them as Revelation directly from the hand of God; just as he received the 10 Commandments and the Law of Moses. Israel had spent almost 400 years in Eqypt, and without any written records to speak about, were forced to completely re-learn their entire history in the wilderness.

Thus, God started at the beginning; or, the creation of the world.

According to the Book of Genesis, God created this world in 7 days. The word create should be translated as "organized". With so much "unorganized" matter in the universe; organizing what's there makes far more sense than making more and wasting what already exists.

To organize anything requires a "Higher Intelligence" than what already is present within that which is to be organized. Thus, it is illogical to assume that chaos organized itself into what we now call "the earth". With that said, let's examine some of the existing theories from a "Creationist" viewpoint.

1. To reject Genesis is to reject "Moses" and the whole foundation of the Judeo-Christian beliefs. If the creation did not take place as explained, than "God" lied to Moses; or Moses lied to Israel. One or the other.

Scientific Theory:

Science is based on the combination of observation and deduction. "Scientists" use the Scientific Method which relies on their own; or other "scientific observations" to "deduce what is correct and what is not.

IE: I watch the sun rise in the East and note that many other "scientists" recorded this as a "fact" in their day back to Ancient Times. So, it would be "illogical" for me to accept any "earlier" observations if they claimed that the Sun rose in the "West".

The Problem with Science is that it relies on the human senses of sight, taste, touch, hearing; emotions and memory...all of which have been "deceived" by either good politicians or mediocre magicians.

2. The other problem with "Science" is it relies on analyzing a history that is both incomplete, missing, falsified or flawed in some other way. Most importantly, the "victors" often rewrote history to meet their particular agenda. This included a combination of both myth and out-right fabrications.

So, in the end, it is both the Scientist and the Creationist that must exercise a "belief" system to make sense of the mortal experience. Faith is often called foolishness by Science because it cannot be "quantified" through the 5 senses. Sadly, for the non-believing man of Science, he has chosen a path which is also impossible to Quantify. Thus theories come, and theories go, while the Book of Genesis, continues to endure.

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